Thursday, October 30, 2008

First Snowfall

This morning, Thursday was our first real snowfall. Although not much was visible in town, when I went outside to find slush on my windshield. In town, Nothing to speak of on the ground. You had to really look in the grass to see the snow until the sun comes out. I was on the highway all the way into NY state up on I-90, but no snow.

As it go to be time to go to work, and I was travelling West on Robison Rd, there was snow covering the whole grass. I got to work, and it was almost up to 50, and snow was melting, but, I can say that we had snow. This is first claim from my family. I know that Meadville got it worse, but I posted first. lol


Anonymous said...

Actually, I beat you by a few hours. I posted it THursday morning at and wait for it...even posted a video of the snow falling outside my office :)

Jim's Blog said...

Sorry, that was one of your blogs that I did not have listed to be able to view. I bow to the Master. LOL U J