Sunday, October 19, 2008

First Scraping

This morning 10/19/08 was our first frost in the city. When I went outside at ten minutes to 8 this morning, I saw frost on my windshield. It was listed as 34 degrees. So, I went in and turned on the car, and started the defrosters. It sure is a sign that fall has arrived. The trees are now past thier prime for color changing, and the fish are coming upstream to spawn. Brrr, first clue this morning was inside of house temperature was only 59 degrees. No wonder I was so far under my blankets.

Rather than create another blog, I will just change the subject but still add here. Another era is coming to a close. Since we have had trouble at work with our antenna for broadcasting, we have been on reduced power. We were no longer broadcasting digital, and only were getting our programs out over cable television. Well, the repairs are in progress, and the damage was worse that at first expected. We do have a temporary antenna on our tower, and it is about half way up our mast. Although we are giving it full power, we are not broadcasting at full power. We are below 40%. We are back to digital and cable, but, not analog. The complete repairs will take approx two more months to complete. Since this now brings us so close to February, we have applied with the FCC to allow us to discontinue analog broadcasting.

That means that you will need those digital converter boxes or cable or have a television with digital reception tuners, you will no longer see us with the old TV sets with rabbit ears. We will be shutting down our analog transmitters for the last time sometime next week.

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