Sunday, September 7, 2008

Safe Arrival....Was There Any Doubt

Yesterday, Saturday, Mr Phil and I arrived in Lorain Ohio at just about the time we imagined we would. it was just after the noon hour. Out day started out crappy. I mean that literally! We had to parallel park in a nose in space because of the trailer. Alas, we were under a tree that all the birds used to roost for the night. It is my belief that they took an inordinate amount in pleasure in bird bomb washing the vehicles. What a mess, and thick too!

Once we got on the road and to a gas station, it took me at least 15 t0 20 minutes just to clear the windshields. No Lie! But, I do have to admit that that was the worst of the troubles that we experienced. Thursday night, we stopped earlier than we originally intended because our destination of South bend Indiana was all booked for a Notre Dame home football game. Even the more expensive rooms going up to the 250 a night range were booked. The above pic was taken on our final morning on the road. We departed for Cleveland about 6:30 a.m.

After about an hour, we had stopped to top off the gas tank and enjoy some breakfast. From there, we were on our final push. We arrived like I said just after noon.

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