At work, we suffered a cut back. On Monday morning, we experienced power problems. Our viewing audience really shrank in numbers. This may not be storm related. Just last week, we started to broadcast digital at 20 KW of power. This was to be our new high limit for viewing. Everything was hunky dorry until Monday morning.
It seems that the best power out put we can establish in analog is only about 10% and 40% for digital. We need an outside consultant team to come in and aid us with this one. They cannot arrive locally until no sooner than Friday morning.
Until then, the only people who can see us are the ones who live under our immediate broadcast umbrella, and those on analog cable systems. Normal digital cable as well as digital receivers are currently kaput. So, total number of people paying attention are in the low hundreds. So much for reaching out to the masses.
Our current situation has also angered a politician. he feels that we are denying him equal time for broadcast. He came up to protest his outrage. Hmm, somehow, I do not think he got the concept of us. No wonder why I would never vote for him anyway. More later as this develops, or gets cured.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
911 Police....What Is Your Emergency?
Tonight, Friday had a strange ending. As I was exiting work late, it was just shy of 1 AM, I locked up the building and with alarms set, I departed the building. Mind you, the building is now locked, and alarms are set. I exit the front doors, and the key I was issued unlocks a side door. Anyway, as I was walking to my car, I always do a look around of the lot. Recently, all out door lights have been brought up to working order. Well, I espied a jeep in the lot that should not be there. There is a policy stating that if you are going to leave a vehicle in the lot over night, or for the week, you are supposed to notify the Master Control Operators so they know when they depart the building.
After I climb into my car and start it up, I pull over to this jeep. It is one of those small ones like maybe a CJ-5. As I near, i turn on high beams to be able to look into the vehicle. if it is only teenagers parking, you see the heads pop up, and almost instantly, the car starts up as they fumble around in their seats. This time that is not what had happened. I saw a head pop up facing away from me, and immediately it went down, and would not move even though I was less than 10 feet away from it. I did not feel comfortable about approaching this one. So, I just backed away and started out of the lot.
As many of you know where I work, our driveway is not the easiest to find. Our driveway is 2/10ths of a mile back into the woods. I did not like the idea of a possible confrontation back there where no one would either hear or see any thing. Cowardice is the better part of valor. As I got out to Channel 24's lot, I backed into thier drive and called 911. I said it is not an immediate life or death emergency, but I was not comfortable about rousting this individual. After determining that I was in the jurisdiction of the State Police, I was transferred over to them, and gave my report again. They asked what I was driving, and what the other car was. they asked me for the plate number of the other car, and low and behold, I never checked! What an observant person I am. I saw the jeep, and could describe it, but i never looked at the plate.
Anyway, after about 14 minutes, a State Police cruiser with two troupers in it comes in. They ask me if I want to wait to see what they find out, and i did not want the culprit to see my car again, soI said no. They asked about alternate ways out, and I said there were none, and I gave a diagram of the lots, as well as where they could find them. After that, I was on my way. Hopefully, it was just some homeless person looking for a quiet night, but I must admit, it is hard to find our driveway especially after dark. I have had to visit like Wall Mart and I see cars parked over night there all the time. I just wish they would go there instead of our lot. If there is an update, I will post a follow up.
After I climb into my car and start it up, I pull over to this jeep. It is one of those small ones like maybe a CJ-5. As I near, i turn on high beams to be able to look into the vehicle. if it is only teenagers parking, you see the heads pop up, and almost instantly, the car starts up as they fumble around in their seats. This time that is not what had happened. I saw a head pop up facing away from me, and immediately it went down, and would not move even though I was less than 10 feet away from it. I did not feel comfortable about approaching this one. So, I just backed away and started out of the lot.
As many of you know where I work, our driveway is not the easiest to find. Our driveway is 2/10ths of a mile back into the woods. I did not like the idea of a possible confrontation back there where no one would either hear or see any thing. Cowardice is the better part of valor. As I got out to Channel 24's lot, I backed into thier drive and called 911. I said it is not an immediate life or death emergency, but I was not comfortable about rousting this individual. After determining that I was in the jurisdiction of the State Police, I was transferred over to them, and gave my report again. They asked what I was driving, and what the other car was. they asked me for the plate number of the other car, and low and behold, I never checked! What an observant person I am. I saw the jeep, and could describe it, but i never looked at the plate.
Anyway, after about 14 minutes, a State Police cruiser with two troupers in it comes in. They ask me if I want to wait to see what they find out, and i did not want the culprit to see my car again, soI said no. They asked about alternate ways out, and I said there were none, and I gave a diagram of the lots, as well as where they could find them. After that, I was on my way. Hopefully, it was just some homeless person looking for a quiet night, but I must admit, it is hard to find our driveway especially after dark. I have had to visit like Wall Mart and I see cars parked over night there all the time. I just wish they would go there instead of our lot. If there is an update, I will post a follow up.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Safe Arrival....Was There Any Doubt

Yesterday, Saturday, Mr Phil and I arrived in Lorain Ohio at just about the time we imagined we would. it was just after the noon hour. Out day started out crappy. I mean that literally! We had to parallel park in a nose in space because of the trailer. Alas, we were under a tree that all the birds used to roost for the night. It is my belief that they took an inordinate amount in pleasure in bird bomb washing the vehicles. What a mess, and thick too!
Once we got on the road and to a gas station, it took me at least 15 t0 20 minutes just to clear the windshields. No Lie! But, I do have to admit that that was the worst of the troubles that we experienced. Thursday night, we stopped earlier than we originally intended because our destination of South bend Indiana was all booked for a Notre Dame home football game. Even the more expensive rooms going up to the 250 a night range were booked. The above pic was taken on our final morning on the road. We departed for Cleveland about 6:30 a.m.
After about an hour, we had stopped to top off the gas tank and enjoy some breakfast. From there, we were on our final push. We arrived like I said just after noon.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Cruizin' With Mr. Phil

On this mornings adventure, we realized that we had passed the half way mark in our current journey. It may not have been at the Continental Divide which we had crossed the day before, but, it was our midway point none the less. You can tell that the trip is starting to take it's toll. Neither of us wanted to drive this morning so we both said F it. We set the cruise control, and climbed into the back seat to enjoy the view. What a change of scenery from when you arrive in Denver out of the mountains, and enter onto the flat plains. It is so flat and straight that it becomes routine and boring where the scenery doesn't change much. Only way we knew we arrived was when the damned female voice on Mr. Phil's Garmin kept screeching, " Turn left, Turn Left, Recalculating," so many times that we HAD to go back into the front seat to see what was going on. The pic for my caption today shows just where we were. Look at the sign just above the doors into the store.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
I think I can, I think I can
Today is the second day of our driving journey heading Eastwards. on our first day, we went approx 550 miles total, with a short stop in Las Vegas. I have to admit, while driving a full sized van, pulling a 12' U-Haul trailer, driving the "strip" wasn't on the books. Besides all the traffic, there was a lot of ongoing construction. we did stop and travel inside North Las Vegas to get some gas, and play some slots. After this, we progressed to Cedar City Utah. There was some mountain climbing involved this day!
On Wednesday, we got a very early breakfast, and were on the road before 7:30 AM. We were on our way thru Utah with a goal of reaching Denver Colorado before nightfall. Well, let me tell you, we did some serious mountain climbing today. There were plenty of times, with the load we had behind us, the van was a little huffing, and puffing. As we slowed down as slow as 30 MPH, I started saying my Mantra, "I think we can, I think we can, I pray we can!" Starting out in the morning, using Phil's Garmin, it showed an approximate arrival time. From the beginning one, we only arrived about an hour later than we had thought. We had stopped for gas, twice, and had climbed to about 11,ooo ft above sea level. So, with a lot of sweat, we did arrive! The worst of the driving should now be over. The monotonous part still faces us. We are two and a half days away from Lorain Ohio! I still say my mantra, " I think we can, I think we can, and am starting on the new verse, I know we can!"
On Wednesday, we got a very early breakfast, and were on the road before 7:30 AM. We were on our way thru Utah with a goal of reaching Denver Colorado before nightfall. Well, let me tell you, we did some serious mountain climbing today. There were plenty of times, with the load we had behind us, the van was a little huffing, and puffing. As we slowed down as slow as 30 MPH, I started saying my Mantra, "I think we can, I think we can, I pray we can!" Starting out in the morning, using Phil's Garmin, it showed an approximate arrival time. From the beginning one, we only arrived about an hour later than we had thought. We had stopped for gas, twice, and had climbed to about 11,ooo ft above sea level. So, with a lot of sweat, we did arrive! The worst of the driving should now be over. The monotonous part still faces us. We are two and a half days away from Lorain Ohio! I still say my mantra, " I think we can, I think we can, and am starting on the new verse, I know we can!"
Monday, September 1, 2008
Adapt And Overcome

We had the best intentions with the start of our day! We were to go to The Ronald Reagan memorial Library. I wanted to go see, and walk thru the old Air Force One. It was a Boeing 707 at the time he was president. The current Air Force One is a Boeing 747. It just so happened that the aircraft was put on permanent exhibit at the Library. Actually, you can dine under it. Well, as with all the best laid plans, contingencies to arise. We got up early, and had breakfast, and animals fed for the day, and off we were by around 9 A.M. The Library opens at 10, and we were right on schedule. We left Upper Ojai, and went to Santa Paula, and from there, headed towards Fillmore where we would head over to Simi Valley where the Library is.
Just as we turned to head across the valley, we experienced a real weird noise. It increased as we sped up. In just over a block, we stopped to inspect what was wrong. We lost a tire. we were riding on rims. Not good. Who Ya Gonna Call? AAA That's who. Mind you, this happened on a Sunday. And not only that, it took quite some time for the AAA guy to even show up. It ended up that we needed a new tire. The AAA guy had shown up with just a s-10 sized pick-up. he was equipped to change a tire, but not much else. So, he had to go and get another truck to tow us. Now it is after noon already and the tire place closes at 1 P.M. That, and he can only take up to two passengers. Cathie and I decided to walk. It was approximately a mile or so to the tire place. Mind you, it is already getting pretty warm outside.
The car is dropped off, and they start on the car at around 12:20. Cathie had two tires that were going on the front, and she just decided that as long as we were there, they should replace all four. That job being done, we discussed our latest options. LUNCH! We stopped into IHOP, and had some lunch and thought about what were going to do then with the rest of the day. A call of making a batch of Punch was floored, seconded, and was given unanimous approval. As we got to the grocery store, we saw a movie theater and saw that we had time to see a movie. Tropical Thunder! After that, we gathered groceries, and fixin's, and headed back home. Mixed the batch, and then prepared dinner. After a few samplings to check on Quality Control, dinner was made, served, and devoured. we each took a glass of further quality control before calling it a day.
Who knows what our plans and or circumstances will bring us for tomorrow.
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