Thursday, June 20, 2013

As I Grow Older, I find That I Am Turning Into My Father

 Sheesh, and event this week has really brought this home to me. As I was working for my client, I was asked and scheduled to replace the innards of a toilet tank. 20 minute job right?  WRONG!  By 6 PM, we had water turned off to the mobile home, and was ready to start the job.

  As most of you know, most all fittings on a toilet tank should only be tightened hand tight, and no more. Well, that was not the case with this one.  Looks as though nothing had been updated in this tank for over 20 years. Who ever did the work did not believe in washers, He must have believed that you just have to tighten it a bit tighter is all.  And, here starts where I am becoming my father. I was ill prepared for enough proper tools to do the job. My family is all snickering at that last statement. You would have to know my father to appreciate that one.

  Disconnecting the water supply was relative easy ordeal. So far I still did not know what I was getting into. Had I mentioned that my day was supposed to end at 7 PM yet? After water was disconnected, that was where everything went wrong. Next item on check list in replacement instructions says to loosen the nut on bottom of upper tank so as to remove the worn part.   That nut just would not release.  And, as my father was wont to do quite often, all I had with me was an adjustable wrench. I could not get a good enough bite on the nut.  I ended up breaking off the threaded part of which the water supply hooks to so now I am really committed to finishing this job.

  Next bright idea is to loosen the whole tank assembly and turn tank to where I could access the nut easier. Problem number two occurs.  I did not have, nor the client have a socket set. First trip to WalMart. One tiny nut will not unscrew all the way. Comes down so far, and then just twists, but does not more down the threads. Other bolt came off easily.  If you know me, you know that I cannot kneel for long as my knees are bad. So after about 5 minutes working I would have to stop, and stand and walk to ease pain in knees.  Have I mentioned that it is now after 8 PM?  Came back with tools now in hand!  Started to work on the nut, and what happens?  Bolt snaps at the head where it is in the tank.  Back to WalMart for replacement bolts.

  Wow, what a difference! No hex head nuts, and not only two rubber washers, but also two steel ones. And final nut is a wing nut! Sweet!  Reassembled the tank to the bowl, took a break for some juice, and then back to final assembly and hook up of water line to the tank. Tank goes on, and all washers are in proper alignment and order.  Guts go in, adjust the height to existing water marks, hook up water line. Put washers in place, both inside the tank as well as on threads outside the tank, and snug nuts, and reattach water supply. JOB DONE!  And now, it is time to clean up and job is done at 11:30 PM, Way over time!  Just as my father would have been.. A 20 minute job ended up taking Five and a half hours to complete.



Anonymous said...

Hey Jim, dad always ran to his favorite hardware store, along with a stop for ice cream along the way.
You at least had a WalMart handy.

Big Bro Phil

Anonymous said...

Jim, I was so amazed that you were able to finish that easy, but difficult job. You are so patient with everyone, and you knew you just had to finish it. I'm so proud of you. Love You, Carol