Saturday, April 9, 2011

Odd Foods

I know, I am sorry. I am two weeks late in posting. I have not been out as much as I normally am the last two weeks.  So I tried to make up some time this week.  This post is about Odd Foods. I went to a grocery store and just walked the aisles to Look at different things that have caught my eye,  I knew I had in mind one item and is why I chose this category.  At one time, in the store I visited, I saw they had alligator meat.  That was my catch item. Alas, the truck that comes up from Florida did not have it on this week. So, I had to settle for some other things,  I know in the fish category, on menu's especially, You can find fish like Mahi-Mahi.  They even had it there, but, for me, just was not odd enough to qualify.  Here are a few of the items I found, a few are common, but just am not used to seeing ginger as a root..

Please check out, As Well as Marks,, And Lisa's  See what they hat to offer with theirs.

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