Sunday, July 26, 2009


The other day (Thursday) I forgot my watch at home when I went to work. I was lost without it. Anyway, when I got home after work, I settled down to watch some TV before bed. Is strange huh, that I sit and watch TV to relax when here it is my job to work at a television station and my job is putting shows on the air at correct times. Anyway, I had my bottle of soda next to me and sipped from it while I watched for an hour or so. I finally was getting tired enough to call it a day. I turned off the tv, and set the remote down, and then off came my glasses and I put them right next to my watch which was where I left it the day before, and I clicked off the light. After a short interval, sleep overcame me.

Well, next morning comes, and alarm clock sounds, and I awaken. Here is where the strange part comes in. I found that the TV remote was on my chest, and my watch was on my wrist! Yikes, and it was even put on the right way. And before you ask, the TV was still turned off. Just was a little freaky to find my watch on my wrist, and remote sitting on my chest.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Perhaps in spending time at our house, our ghosts decided they liked you!