Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Damn....Or Is It Dam

Locally we are experiencing and early thaw this year in the whole area. On Tuesday of this week, I could be found driving in the county. As I came upon French Creek, I saw a sure sign of the thaw in progress. An Ice Dam. This is where the ice that had previously covered all the water starts to melt, and is broken up into smaller ice floes and as it moves down stream and finds some sort of obstruction, the ice backs up and gets all jumbled into what you can see here.


Unknown said...

wow. same thing is happening here. a boat got caught in the ice under a bridge on the east side of cleveland. the chagrin river is full of the ice flows as well.

don't even THINK of going swimming yet!!

Mati said...

Your photos are awesome! Makes me nostalgic for home...just not until a little bit more of the thaw has taken place!