Saturday, July 21, 2012

Sunset Over Lake Erie

  On Friday evening, 7-20-2012,on the anniversary date of man landing on the moon, it had finally stopped raining.  It had rained for two days straight in Erie.  At last, we had a fair day.  It had threatened rain all day, and temperatures dropped from high 80's down to low 70's. I had decided to take a ride to the Peninsula to have a bite to eat, and to see the sunset.  I had arrived around 7:30 PM, and this was still a bit early for the sun to set, so, I stopped over on the bay side of the peninsula and I was watching out back towards the city.

  I had a visitor who espied me enjoying some fries.  he sure made it known that I owed him some.  We were enjoying the view, and the local ferry boat was making a evening cruise of the bay.  AS the sun was setting over the lake, it provided a natural spotlight on the ferry.

 It was a little choppy on the bay.  The wind was coming from the south, so it was blowing towards me and that is what created the chop.  Another view back across the bay was what we locals call "THE DOCK." It now has this friendship tower erected at the end so it is easy to find across the bay.  I am over a mile away from it.

  After I had eaten, I moved along a bit further, and found some more animal friends.  First was a wild hare enjoying it's evening dinner.  After that, I came to the "commons".  These Purple Martins sure do like to live community style.  Notice that the apartments have numbers on them.

    It was getting closer to 8:30 now, so I headed over to the lake side of the Peninsula, so that I would be able to watch the sunset.  As you can see, i was not alone.  There was not the usual crowds still at the water, because as I mentioned earlier, we still had a very good chance of rain that day.  Was still nice to see some souls there with me.

Now, it was showtime!  Not only people had shown up to watch Mother Nature, but also too the birds came to watch. I sat to relax, and I was at the tree line, and as you will notice, a couple had taken advantage of the lifeguard seat to also enjoy the sunset. You will see a series of shots and I will not bore you with any more writing, just enjoy the sun setting with me.


Cathie said...

A beautiful sunset! Thanks for sharing!!!

Anonymous said...

Loved the photos, Jim. Missed your blogging. Great picts, even the animals.

Bro Phil

John R. said...

Great pictures Jim!!

Carol said...

Honey.We sure looked great sitting in that lifeguard tower!! Beautiful sunsets