Can it be, "I want to go to Miami!," or "Are We there yet?," "How Soon?," Well, yesterday 3-27-2010, ours was I WANT TO GO TO "WINE ON THE LAKE!'' It was held at Erie Convention Center on the bay front. It was my first time to attend. This was my Christmas present to my brother Phil. he had made a comment way back around thanksgiving that he was thinking about getting a ticket to check it out. I had figured, No brainer what to get him for Christmas. Alas he had to wait another 3 months to actually experience his present. I hope that the wait was worth while for him.
Also attending were my friends Margie and Bert. Plans were made, and we planned on going together as a group. We decided on dinner first. Going to a wine tasting, did not want to go on an empty stomach. We decided to give us time, to meet for dinner at 4 PM. Wine tasting was to start at 6 and run to 9. Figuring early start to dinner would allow us to be sure that we finished in time to make it to the convention center on time. Knowing that there is limited parking at the center, we did not want to arrive too late.
I do not know if it was because we arrived so early or was it meticulous planning, but in any case, we were finished with dinner by just after 5 PM. A leisurely drive had us arriving at 5:30. We were early! That is so not a family trait! We got great parking, only approximately 25 yards from the front doors. We entered and joined the queue. This line was not too long, maybe a hundred people ahead of us. VIP passes allowed some people to enter earlier. We chatted in line and just were able to enjoy the view from the wall of windows to our right.

Just before 6 Pm the cattle chutes were opened and we were herded in. Just inside the gate, they took our tickets and then we proceeded to get our complimentary wine glass, and bag of coupons, and guide to who was where and what vendors were present. Luckily, since we were at the head ( nearly ) of the line, we got in before the crowds really hit.

In the first ball room, the floor was all carpeted, and all vendors were against the walls. Center floor had some tables to stand at to enjoy one another's company and to soak in the ambiance. Center floor was a small stand of which a string ensemble played music for your enjoyment. As you step up to a vendor, they were all so very friendly. They asked what sort of win you like, and then they would relay what they had that might meet your criterion. They would give you a sample and you could sniff, taste, and enjoy the experience. They were available to answer questions. Alas, that option quickly died as the building filled with eager samplers. You got the impression of a very popular bar with a very thirsty crowd. Do not get me wrong, was not pushy or bad attitudes, but just so many people there wanting to sample all of what was available in our region.

Into the next ball room, this one had tiled floors, and also had vendors in the center space. Some of the center space vendors had more room and more people to dispense samples. Not only was there wine available, there too was vendors selling cheeses, and fruits, as well as vendors selling jewelry and art. There was also even a vendor selling yachts. I guess the tie in for that one would be that you could drink wine on the lake all summer. lol Also, as an added bonus, a chiropractor had a small booth set up where they offered a few minute should massage. Sitting kind of backwards in a chair, your face goes into a doughnut hole and you lean against it while you get your massage. Also, for entertainment, this conference room had a trio playing. Again, there were some tables around, as well as this time some chairs.

In the photos posted here, I tried not to show all of the crowds. Had attempted to shoot around them. At one point, I rec'd a tap on the shoulder with the question, " Excuse me, are you Mikes brother?" I peered upwards towards the ceiling likes to face who had asked me the question. It was a young and very tall gentleman, and I said, possibly, because I wanted to be sure of which Mike he was referring to. Turns out he is my sister in laws nephew Mark. We chatted a while, and went on to sample the wares of the vendors.

We had heard from one of the vendors that the original wine tasting last year was all done in the first conference room where we entered. From what they said, it was very crowded and very hot!. Even with all the room we had, the rooms both had definitely warmed up. Every here and there, you could feel the cool air from air conditioners come on and blow down on ya. I am sure I had a great time, and hopes that everyone else did too. And also, they were selling their wines as well as letting you sample them, so of course, we had to walk away with some bottles.