Today, Saturday, after taking a day off and just kicking back, was the day that was payback for that. Earlier in the week, the temp never did rise much above the high 70's. Today was packing day. Mr. Phil and I went and picked up the U-haul trailer and went to storage unit and started to pack up "Stuff." We got about half the trailer filled, and the unit empty before noon. Then it was back to the house to finish. This was the killer time. The temp had climbed to high 80's and the humidity was high as well. Unusual for here. Wish I had some gills to help breathe. Just like a sauna. After loading it up to the gills, we headed up to Ojai. Got there just after 4 PM. Not too bad for just the two of us loading it all. Work is done, and we are kicking back for the rest of the day. Whew! For Tuesday, we depart California.
A little side note, as a group, the four of us intend on going to Pres. Ronald Reagan Presidential Library either Sun or Mon. Last little thought, the picture at the top is the view I see from my bedroom window each morning.